Garish colours ebb and swirl,
A riotous melange of emotions.
Orchre, saffron and other undulating hues,
All run amok,
Disrupting thought
Wrecking mental havoc.
In this kaleidoscopic prison of sorts,
Colourful chaos reigns supreme;
Multi-hued disorder, indeed.
Yet, looking beyond the kitsch gaudiness,
One just barely begins to see whole new realms...
For within the vivid vortexes,
A cornucopia of emotive sensations and sinous sentiments--
The succulent fruit encased
Within a much resented shell.
Today's probably the first time I've learnt to wash my shirt with hands, no doubt, a great sense of achievement. Eew, one thing I hate most is to come into contact with water (besides swimming and bathing). You can ask me to help out in any household chore but washing dishes and erm, clothes.
Oh right, guess what I had for dinner?! You'll never believe it but it's OX-TAIL soup! Can you imagine that? Well, it's my first time tasting it too and it's delicious! Whoa, succulent and soft from the long hours of boiling. My mom's the best cook you can ever get. Haha...I can't help but think, I'm bound to get heavier and fatter by the end of this school holiday. Hey, Liling, we need to run. I pondered this afternoon, it kinda dawned on me why the movie Oliver Twist has never been on my must-watch list. For it is written: 'Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be open to you.' That's like one of the commonly used verses in the Bible. But what we have here is that when Oliver Twist asked with such caution and desperation, "Please Sir, can I have some more?", not only was he denied the very meal that would cast revulsion upon all our faces at the sight of it - gruel, he was beaten and punished for that mere request! Man, what is the world coming too!
MyProfile Dawn Lee
The Bible Church
Crez Choir
AC Guitar
Exco. =)
PepperidgeFarm Soft-Baked Milk Chocolate Macademia cookies!Yumms!
my 17 yr old Raggy!
Thevoices taggie!
*Please note that everything in my blog is originally thought of and modified by Dawn Lee.*
Dialogue between Tarzan and Kim Possible:
(Kim) Seen the baddie pass by here? The one who's green, black and blue all over?
(Tarzan) Are you the Jane the director sent? Well, I'd thought she'd be much better looking, with a skirt and stuff, yeah...But nevermind, we'll make do.
(Director) CUT!! Tarzan, scratched that armpit! For goodness sake, LOOK PRIMITIVE!!
(Ron)[points a finger at Tarzan] You sppea-k Engg-lish before Jane came? So you were pretending all the time eh...that's style dude. [wink]
R a n t s L i n k s P r o f i l e T a g b o a r d O t h e r s