Guess it's been awhile. Many things happened along the week. But there's one story, yes one story in particular, that can surmarise yesterday's outing to vivo.
Warning: The characters and the story are entirely fictitious and should they resemble anyone, dead or alive, it is entirely coincidental and based only on the author's imagination.
Now, we are ready to begin. So, like all fairy tale stories, this begins with
Once upon a time...
There was a rich taitai.

She was so e***, children would run to hide under their mother's skirts when they heard her name. Haha. Okay. She was 007. *Bond music heralds*
Now, people from all over the world feared her...because erms...because she bullies innocent children. Yes yes, that's right.

Through her devious and scheming ways, she scots free every single time. And so, attributes to her pompous nature; luring people, even challenging them to catch her. If they can. There, she strikes poses to suggest such inconceivable behavior. (Do not be decieved by her seemingly "reflective" poise nor her "sweet" manner. *Clouds and raindrops added for effect*)

But of course, sky net grey grey, lost but not missed! (Some chinese idiom I always write in my compo to suggest bad guys always get caught eventually, yep!) One day, a brave hero took up the challenge, hence, the start of a violent battle. 007 put up a strong fight. They fought for days. After days...

and days after days...

...and finally, 007 ended up like this...

She was fined, and ordered to do 100hrs of community service.

Upset as she was, a broom was shove into her hands. Thus, begin the ardous task of cleaning...

In her 99th hr of service, she was released on good behaviour. As you can see, here she is, showering a "baby" with adoring smiles, gently cooing it to sleep! A really big change, I'd say!

And so, 007 was released earlier than expected for good conduct. And as usual, ah-don digest gets fresh news for its avid readers, a correspondent was sent to investigate.
"So what are your views on being jailed?""OH! I love the feeling, love the people, love myself! OOh! Absolute-ly wonderful. I wanna thank my Boss, especially for givinme a chance..my friends, my family...""I'm sure they'll be delighted to see that you appreciate them so much. Now moving on, what are your interests? Of which you would like to pursue now that you've been granted freedom?""Oh! I wanna see my friends, my family, my...""And that's all we have today. ah-don digest, Deedee reporting, tall-tales land." (Uninteresting parts of conversation have been omitted with viewer's best interests at heart.)As they say, all things end well ends well, oh someting like that. There she goes, off the spain, I think..Bon voyage =)

Yay!!! I did it! I did it, laurel! Managed to weave all the pics into a story dedicated to Aly! Yay!
_.a heart beat._ 11:54
The Misc
*Please note that everything in my blog is originally thought of and modified by Dawn Lee.*
Dialogue between Tarzan and Kim Possible:
(Kim) Seen the baddie pass by here? The one who's green, black and blue all over?
(Tarzan) Are you the Jane the director sent? Well, I'd thought she'd be much better looking, with a skirt and stuff, yeah...But nevermind, we'll make do.
(Director) CUT!! Tarzan, scratched that armpit! For goodness sake, LOOK PRIMITIVE!!
[points a finger at Tarzan] You sppea-k Engg-lish before Jane came? So you were pretending all the time eh...that's style dude.