Garish colours ebb and swirl,
A riotous melange of emotions.
Orchre, saffron and other undulating hues,
All run amok,
Disrupting thought
Wrecking mental havoc.
In this kaleidoscopic prison of sorts,
Colourful chaos reigns supreme;
Multi-hued disorder, indeed.
Yet, looking beyond the kitsch gaudiness,
One just barely begins to see whole new realms...
For within the vivid vortexes,
A cornucopia of emotive sensations and sinous sentiments--
The succulent fruit encased
Within a much resented shell.
Haha..someone did this for me and i looove it! Really pretty eh?
Okay let's see, Chinese New Year's been good thou it was also dotted with many agonizing moments... So went to church first on Sunday. Then to grandma's house. Met up with my dear cousins who never fail to make me laugh... Oh then took lots of pictures till my jaw really ache, but i think it's worth it la. Haha. Ge took the three of us to tiong bahru plaza to watch a movie-Just Follow Law. It's super funny, if not for the neck strain we suffered after that, I'd say I totally enjoyed the outing. Haha you see actually we booked tickets way earlier but we arrived late to collect our tickets and the cinema was so packed, only first front rows were available..yea..oh neverminds.
Second day was hit an okay. Went to the Joses, Lucas and Matty's house. But the usual, it was crammed filled with guys, so I ended up watching them play computer games. Haha. Then to Auntie YinFan's house, got to talk to Jemima dear. Really sweet girl. Oh then to Elizabeth, Grace and Bonkie's house. Man, I love the way their house is designed. Yea... Finally to Auntie Grace's house, you know the one at newton area? Haha yea. Oh and the most finally, Uncle Ming's house where we just idled about till some of the 85s came to join us. Haha. Johnny showed us his cheerleading stunts, real cool. Mark, Timo and Peide kept having this bicker with Bernie something about calling themselves 'true men'. Haha..super hilarious! Oh and we actually squished all the teenages in the living room to watch that silly silly nine o clock show on channel 8. Haha... yeps. That just about surmarises my cny and once again, it's back to school...
Please stop doing all these to yourself...cos you're only gonna end up hurting yourself and all those who love you...Tell me what to do...
MyProfile Dawn Lee
The Bible Church
Crez Choir
AC Guitar
Exco. =)
PepperidgeFarm Soft-Baked Milk Chocolate Macademia cookies!Yumms!
my 17 yr old Raggy!
Thevoices taggie!
*Please note that everything in my blog is originally thought of and modified by Dawn Lee.*
Dialogue between Tarzan and Kim Possible:
(Kim) Seen the baddie pass by here? The one who's green, black and blue all over?
(Tarzan) Are you the Jane the director sent? Well, I'd thought she'd be much better looking, with a skirt and stuff, yeah...But nevermind, we'll make do.
(Director) CUT!! Tarzan, scratched that armpit! For goodness sake, LOOK PRIMITIVE!!
(Ron)[points a finger at Tarzan] You sppea-k Engg-lish before Jane came? So you were pretending all the time eh...that's style dude. [wink]
R a n t s L i n k s P r o f i l e T a g b o a r d O t h e r s