Garish colours ebb and swirl,
A riotous melange of emotions.
Orchre, saffron and other undulating hues,
All run amok,
Disrupting thought
Wrecking mental havoc.
In this kaleidoscopic prison of sorts,
Colourful chaos reigns supreme;
Multi-hued disorder, indeed.
Yet, looking beyond the kitsch gaudiness,
One just barely begins to see whole new realms...
For within the vivid vortexes,
A cornucopia of emotive sensations and sinous sentiments--
The succulent fruit encased
Within a much resented shell.
WOW! CCAAB's over! Woohoo! Ahh well, but since we've all been sworn to secrecy by the camp, i can't say too much abt it too. U want details, just come find me. Haha...
Anyway, so basically, our diet consisted from anything between mealwormies to smelly half-cooked veggies to well, shalln't need to say more... Sleeping time ranged from 4hrs to just 1hr! Oh but surprisingly, the day we had the least sleep, was the same day we had the most fun! Yea yays! Haha.
Girls and guys, sports and performing arts were all treated alike. Guess it was the closest you could get to army style for us le. We had people from canoe, track, rugby, golf, netball, table tennis, library, shooting, council, smc, debate, and of course, guitar! These people in my group were absolutely great! Didn't know anyone from the start except matthew the nice rugger. Haha but throughout the camp, you learn about their strengths and limitations and how to trust and rely on them, rubbing shoulders with both guys and girls alike became like second nature. Fortunately my group had more guys too, so we accomplished all our challenges well easily with all that strong muscles to lift you, support you and carry you etc...hahaha nice.Ran in the rain, wad in the mud, crawl under the drains, trekked in the 'jungle' were just some things. I really loved everything we did as a team! =)
Oh haha, not forgetting, we had the finest mentors too! Plus an old boy who's only 3 yrs older and the best camper or smth for his batch who's attached to our group, but we called him uncle anyway la. He's freaking nice. Applied leave from army just to attend this camp with us. At the end of our 3 and 1/2 hrs trekking, he started to suan me!! Muahaha...i was all ready to flung my watch at him when i thought i heard him say crescent ppl had the 'gender' look just becos i said i was from crescent..haha u know...but nah, he said we have the gentle look!! Hahaha..
Okies so much for CCAAB. Got my badge last night at the grad dinner. And i'll definitely miss all the wonderful memories we all had tgt.
Alrighty, in addition to the previous list of camps i'm gonna have for this hols, now i also have a WAP at TTK hospital for 4 days. Must thank ms low for her recommendations... Haha wow. Life never got busier than this! And i'm gonna enjoy them all! =) Yays!
MyProfile Dawn Lee
The Bible Church
Crez Choir
AC Guitar
Exco. =)
PepperidgeFarm Soft-Baked Milk Chocolate Macademia cookies!Yumms!
my 17 yr old Raggy!
Thevoices taggie!
*Please note that everything in my blog is originally thought of and modified by Dawn Lee.*
Dialogue between Tarzan and Kim Possible:
(Kim) Seen the baddie pass by here? The one who's green, black and blue all over?
(Tarzan) Are you the Jane the director sent? Well, I'd thought she'd be much better looking, with a skirt and stuff, yeah...But nevermind, we'll make do.
(Director) CUT!! Tarzan, scratched that armpit! For goodness sake, LOOK PRIMITIVE!!
(Ron)[points a finger at Tarzan] You sppea-k Engg-lish before Jane came? So you were pretending all the time eh...that's style dude. [wink]
R a n t s L i n k s P r o f i l e T a g b o a r d O t h e r s