Garish colours ebb and swirl,
A riotous melange of emotions.
Orchre, saffron and other undulating hues,
All run amok,
Disrupting thought
Wrecking mental havoc.
In this kaleidoscopic prison of sorts,
Colourful chaos reigns supreme;
Multi-hued disorder, indeed.
Yet, looking beyond the kitsch gaudiness,
One just barely begins to see whole new realms...
For within the vivid vortexes,
A cornucopia of emotive sensations and sinous sentiments--
The succulent fruit encased
Within a much resented shell.
Mm.. All times I've tried to live my life according to my will When darkness comes, it's difficult to rest and just be still... but Lord you are my shepard that guides me in the way and thy will learn this glorious truth if by Your word obey... You're all I need You're thy Lord and everything All I need This is why I humbly seek Your strength may sustain me and your grace has made me free You are my heart's long desire You're all I need Yeah, I'm going to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire tonight. Haha...but first I would sincerely like to apologize to my two dear friends who kindly invited me to watch this show with them but I turmed them down - Liling and Kellie. Well you see, my dear mom hasn't been spending much time with me and knowing that I enjoy Harry Potter and stuff,wanted to take the opportunity to bring me out. Yippy! We decided to go today instead and I'm betting on a shopping spree later on. Haha...yep
MyProfile Dawn Lee
The Bible Church
Crez Choir
AC Guitar
Exco. =)
PepperidgeFarm Soft-Baked Milk Chocolate Macademia cookies!Yumms!
my 17 yr old Raggy!
Thevoices taggie!
*Please note that everything in my blog is originally thought of and modified by Dawn Lee.*
Dialogue between Tarzan and Kim Possible:
(Kim) Seen the baddie pass by here? The one who's green, black and blue all over?
(Tarzan) Are you the Jane the director sent? Well, I'd thought she'd be much better looking, with a skirt and stuff, yeah...But nevermind, we'll make do.
(Director) CUT!! Tarzan, scratched that armpit! For goodness sake, LOOK PRIMITIVE!!
(Ron)[points a finger at Tarzan] You sppea-k Engg-lish before Jane came? So you were pretending all the time eh...that's style dude. [wink]
R a n t s L i n k s P r o f i l e T a g b o a r d O t h e r s