Orientation is finally over! Whew! It was so crazy, once is enough! Haha or at least not so frequent! Don't want to get burnt too often. The layer of soap, starch, water, mud that covered me actually preserved some parts of my skin from being burnt under the hot sun. You know, I'm really not sure if that's good or bad cos in the end, I think I looked like someone cooked a burnt chicken real badly! Yea. And Liling was a fried lobster, if you even fry them in the first place. But yep! Anyways, like almost the whole choir exco and council exco ended up at ac. Pretty cool. Which reminds me, We're all in this together..tralala *high school musical heralds; dawnnie prances around with arms rollie-pollieing about*
_.a heart beat._ 20:10
the past
01/11/05 - 01/12/05
01/12/05 - 01/01/06
01/01/06 - 01/02/06
01/02/06 - 01/03/06
01/03/06 - 01/04/06
01/04/06 - 01/05/06
01/06/06 - 01/07/06
01/07/06 - 01/08/06
01/08/06 - 01/09/06
01/10/06 - 01/11/06
01/11/06 - 01/12/06
01/12/06 - 01/01/07
01/01/07 - 01/02/07
01/02/07 - 01/03/07
01/03/07 - 01/04/07
01/04/07 - 01/05/07
01/05/07 - 01/06/07
01/06/07 - 01/07/07
01/07/07 - 01/08/07
01/08/07 - 01/09/07
01/09/07 - 01/10/07
01/10/07 - 01/11/07
01/11/07 - 01/12/07
01/12/07 - 01/01/08
01/03/08 - 01/04/08
01/06/08 - 01/07/08
01/11/08 - 01/12/08
01/01/09 - 01/02/09
01/03/09 - 01/04/09
01/05/09 - 01/06/09
01/07/09 - 01/08/09
rec ent
Okies. Been up and packing ever since I got better...
SLR was nice, if only my ears weren't blocked the ...
Whee~Christmas was fantastic! Went for family grou...
I'm half-way with my Christmas thingy! Yay! But I ...
Nothing much today. But I am very very irritated. ...
Loads of things happened this week and I'm really ...
Yay!!! Today, we baked bbbbbbrrroooowwnnniiieess!!...
It's been a long week. If you've been thinking why...
Guess it's been awhile. Many things happened along...
I once saw a science documentary on TV. It says th...