Yeah...finally watched the Snow Queen today. It really revives the musical interest I once had strongly once more in me. I really enjoyed all that singing and live orchestra. I do like music. There was one stage where I felt like giving up music forever because I thought I just didn't have that talent. I used to have this friend who joins piano competitions, not one mind you but several, in a year. And the best part is that I could have been like her. We both went for this NAPFA audition where they perform loads of test on you to see if you have a talent in it or not. And we both got it. Haha...thus began our strict and regular practice and lessons. Unfortunately, I gave it up half way because I hated that mean crude teacher who scolded me in Chinese all the time when I was only 5 years old! Ya..she kept pressurizing me till I developed a fear just attending her lessons. Sigh...I think from then on, piano lessons became sorta a strain. But well...
_.a heart beat._ 22:49
the past
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rec ent
Well, I finally realised how books come in handy w...
Mm..All times I've tried to live my life according...
Today's probably the first time I've learnt to was...
Well, today is an exciting by itself. I was invite...
First posting