Yay! I've read almost everyone's blog and it seems that everyone is blogging about CHRIStMAS! Haha...yay! THis year's Christmas has been a really meaningful one to me. I love to see the smiles on my parents faces when I gave them their share of present and they really like them. But this is also the first Christmas I had to spent withOUT my dear Brother. Sigh(x20) He's like enjoying himself all over England now, London, Cambridge, Scotland, and many more. (Actually, I don't know how to spell the names of those places he's going..haha..so pardon moi.)
_.a heart beat._ 16:41
the past
01/11/05 - 01/12/05
01/12/05 - 01/01/06
01/01/06 - 01/02/06
01/02/06 - 01/03/06
01/03/06 - 01/04/06
01/04/06 - 01/05/06
01/06/06 - 01/07/06
01/07/06 - 01/08/06
01/08/06 - 01/09/06
01/10/06 - 01/11/06
01/11/06 - 01/12/06
01/12/06 - 01/01/07
01/01/07 - 01/02/07
01/02/07 - 01/03/07
01/03/07 - 01/04/07
01/04/07 - 01/05/07
01/05/07 - 01/06/07
01/06/07 - 01/07/07
01/07/07 - 01/08/07
01/08/07 - 01/09/07
01/09/07 - 01/10/07
01/10/07 - 01/11/07
01/11/07 - 01/12/07
01/12/07 - 01/01/08
01/03/08 - 01/04/08
01/06/08 - 01/07/08
01/11/08 - 01/12/08
01/01/09 - 01/02/09
01/03/09 - 01/04/09
01/05/09 - 01/06/09
01/07/09 - 01/08/09
rec ent
Well, it's been a really long time since I updated...
Yeah! I'm so excited. I've been watching Da Chang ...
Haha..so I've yet to talk about the band event I a...
Today's Hil May and Yeng Wai's wedding. Yea!! Haha...
Yea, another camp came and went. Well, the last ti...
Oh I hope Kellie you get this before you leave for...
Yea!! We've finally completed our Lit project. The...
It's snowing in Germany!! Haha...
Yeah...finally watched the Snow Queen today. It re...
Well, I finally realised how books come in handy w...