Today's Hil May and Yeng Wai's wedding. Yea!! Haha..well, actually it was pretty boring. I hate it when nobody talks and everybody is waiting for someone to talk. In others ways -- too quiet. You see, I may appear quiet and stuff, but I prefer noise la. It like the church's been becoming quite a strange place to moi. Maybe that's why Liling and Alex makes such a great companions despite their occasional overly noisy ways..haha. I mean who doesn't like fun?
_.a heart beat._ 22:12
the past
01/11/05 - 01/12/05
01/12/05 - 01/01/06
01/01/06 - 01/02/06
01/02/06 - 01/03/06
01/03/06 - 01/04/06
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01/07/06 - 01/08/06
01/08/06 - 01/09/06
01/10/06 - 01/11/06
01/11/06 - 01/12/06
01/12/06 - 01/01/07
01/01/07 - 01/02/07
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01/04/07 - 01/05/07
01/05/07 - 01/06/07
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01/08/07 - 01/09/07
01/09/07 - 01/10/07
01/10/07 - 01/11/07
01/11/07 - 01/12/07
01/12/07 - 01/01/08
01/03/08 - 01/04/08
01/06/08 - 01/07/08
01/11/08 - 01/12/08
01/01/09 - 01/02/09
01/03/09 - 01/04/09
01/05/09 - 01/06/09
01/07/09 - 01/08/09
rec ent
Yea, another camp came and went. Well, the last ti...
Oh I hope Kellie you get this before you leave for...
Yea!! We've finally completed our Lit project. The...
It's snowing in Germany!! Haha...
Yeah...finally watched the Snow Queen today. It re...
Well, I finally realised how books come in handy w...
Mm..All times I've tried to live my life according...
Today's probably the first time I've learnt to was...
Well, today is an exciting by itself. I was invite...
First posting