Yay! 28 more days left...
Let's see, yesterday's party was exhilarating! And of course, that marks an end to another major event for the year. After yesterday, I guess all my efforts to plan it was worth it afterall.
1303060650-0730 : reach sch. met liling,

took some pics. filled water bombs with pei pei till all my fingers wrinkled
0735-0850 : prepare for lit day, took some more pics, screams! I love my class, dude!
0900-1140 : lit lecture (something abt politcal and social issues in erms...1951? Can't rmb!), persuaded Jen Hui dear to go for class outing, on the verge of falling asleep..zzz
1145-1240 : pack up and off to lunch at mobile
1300-1400 : physics lecture (okay, i so wasn't paying attention)
1400 : Let the party BEGIN!
1400-1500 : Fetch the some guys all the way from the PAT to the foyer and back to the PAT again. Of course, blushing cheeks from our girls..you see, we didn't tell them the St. Gabs ppl were coming and let's just say, it was a pleasant surprise!
1500-1800 : Play lot's of lame games which surprise surprise, was rather well-recieved PLUS water bombs!!!! Okay, guess NO one, i repeat, NO ONE hesitated to aim their bombs at me...wells, you can imagine... conclusion,
screaming doesn't work in such occasions! Just RUN!1800-1830 : Pack up
1830 : waited for pei pei, chat and chat
1840-1705 : Go home, bath, dry hair and off to SWENSENS!
1730 : Dinner at Swensens with St. Gabs and my darling choir mates...laugh* we had such fun!
1730-1840 : Lick ice-cream, give prizes and bye bye!
1840-1900 : Shop around, met some people again, say byes! And home sweet home!
Gail and Rebecca ABOUT to pose for me
Melanie, Jia Ling, Theresa and Melissa dear singing a song for ME!
busy people contest in colouring...haha..back to K1 and in 1st place, we have... 4 gals and 1 guy!

Rachie and I as 100 plus endorsers... CHEESE!

water bombs time!

Haha...yep! That's summarises just about all the fun we had (",)
_.a heart beat._ 17:54
For those interested to understand what a Cartesian diver is, please go to
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/pbuoy3.html and I hope this answers your question. Yep.
Another week's came by and gone. The meeting at Starbucks last Monday was, in simple terms, a big headache. I was super exhuasted just explaining that things don't work out to some irritating people who 'lack tact' (haha..quoted from AEOTP) and wells, common sense. Oh nevermind, we'll just see how things turn out on Monday.
Actually, I don't really know why, but I'm typically more excited about Literature day than I think anyone would be..it all started when I first spelled 'literature' wrongly on my file in sec one...haha...guess it's because I'd say our efforts during the holidays weren't wasted and I was deeply encouraged by Mrs Rupa. She sure was impressed with our project *smiles* when she requested to keep our work after Lit day's over..but I was wondering if she can NOT do that? But anyways, I think the five of us - Kellie, Liling, Alyssa Laurel and ME made a great team, yay! Thanks people, you were ne of the most cooperatively bunch of people I've ever worked with.
Anyways, I didn't know my body was so so weak after running my FIRST mass run since the beginning of school last week. Whao! 2.4km became a killer so suddenly. I was practially on the verge of collapsing from the 1.8km mark onwards. Arrgh! So three fingers up, everybody! One, Two Three...I solemnly promise to place mass run as my first priority, above all my morning duties and tasks (from term 2 onwards though). Good.

Right, and now for the benefit of those who were unfortunatly unable to attend our choir cum band combine perfrmance, these pictures are for u!

_.a heart beat._ 09:50
Ever since the RI investiture, I must confess, I was absoluetly fascinated with the Cartesian Diver idea. And guess what? After countless of try-and-error and hours in the toilet, (and forcing my mom to finish a 1.5litre mineral bottle at one go), I did it!!! Yay!!! It was so cool trying to figure out the right proportion of air and water because the density matters. Yep! But then again, when I showed my brother my sucessful operation, he was like, "Ya...erms..good job" Wells...
Anyways, my entire throng of relatives are coming over to erm...celebrate my brother's return, I know, it's kinda late but we always have this kind of meetings so we stay close to each other. Yep!
That's all for now...not much to talk about. Haha..JIA YOU ppl for chinese...and cheers cindyy, let's all aim for the Stars! Smile always! (",)
_.a heart beat._ 13:59