I once saw a science documentary on TV. It says that when one relaxes, time passes faster because the brain relaxes too. Yep. I agree. And I love it. Zoooom..it's about one week since prom. Went out a couple of times.
Yesterday was musical evening. Absolutely enjoyed it. Liling's sister was one easy gal to look after. At first, she was so quiet, it scared me. Guess she warmed up to me after a while. Man, I wish I had a younger sibling. Well, I'd say the choir improved a lot! They sounded really good. Oh, not forgetting the band. I think the main band sounded strange at the start, but they gradually picked up. But the Alumini Band was Fantastic. Really. I felt the songs come alive as they played. Yep. Guess experience counts a lot.
Watched Happy Feet today with the usual. It was nice. Considering the humanitarian effort the movie is trying to appeal to. Guess the last bit about the UN part just shows how all-talk-no-action people really are when it boils down to protecting mother nature. It's a pity. Oh, anyway, it was mega rush today. Went to get snacks from carrefour and sweets from lollywood within 20min just in time for the show. But before that, we kept getting on the wrong floor. Like floor 1: aly rushed out, we waved at her and called her,
"Come Back!! Wrong floor!" "Huh? This floor wat!!" Floor B1:
"A? Not this level...one floor down issit?" Floor B2:
"Gosh! Wrong floor too!!" "NO! It's the floor above." "See, I told you I was right!"(*sigh* ego!)
Yea. Three geog students and one hist student. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Went to Swensons after the movie. Shared a spagetti and apple crumble. Think I was the ONLY one with a full stomach here. Then to carrefour again to get bread and A lemon for mom. Too bad they didn't sell ONE lemon. So got five instead. Oh, but before that, guess when I'm tired, I become dangerously semi-concious. Entered carrefour by the wrong gate. Almost got a chiding from guard. But wells, didn't care much already. Like I saw his mouth moving but heard nothing.
Took the cheapo bus back with laurel. That ends the day. Maybe swimming tomorrow? We'll see...
_.a heart beat._ 21:26
Haha..guess there should be a couple of ppl waiting for moi to blog about this. Wells, where can I start? From the beginning...
Had a hair appointment at Takashimya by Kanebo in the afternoon. Me cousins and mom accompanied me there. Haha...it was pretty embarassing cause the three of them just stood and watch while I got everything done. Yea. Simply stood and watch. My makeup was done by a Japanese make-up artist. He was one good pro! Did you know that just my foundation powder alone had like 4 layers? My lipstick had 3, and my eyeshadow another 3 plus mascara! Yep! He took 1.5 hours to get it done. Oh but very amusingly, he asked if I could speak Jap. Guess I was one of his youngest customers for the day. Nice person.
Yep! My hair was done pretty quickly. BUT, there was one slight problem. There was this lady, I don't even know if she qualified to be one, beside me getting her hair done too. And she was absolutely irritating. She acted as if she owned the whole place and kept criticising the poor hairdresser. Something like,
oh, here too propped up,i don't like. Next moment,
oh, here too flat, i don't like. Seriously, can somebody stuff her mouth?!
Took a cab home after that. Then it was time to dress up. I screwed the nail polish..haha..never had much affinity with it anyway. Met laurel and zoomed to holiday in. Yay! And now, the long-awaited pictures...
A glimpse of my glam life. Haha..
The five of us plus Mrs. Yip.

Miss Lim (fav. bio teacher), Liling, Kel, Me

Cindy dear and Moi

Smart and nice China Scholars, Liling, Me and Laurel

Yes yes, best for last. My two beautiful ladies..(Don't ask me wat they are doing, cos I don't know either!)
_.a heart beat._ 23:41
Movie Marathon was fun alright, a pity it didn't last long. I'd call it INSTALLMENT ONE of the entire marathon..haha. Armed with chips and apple juice from Tanglin mall, we headed down to Liling's house. I think we watched four movies at one go: Never Been Kissed, Mulan 2, High School Musical and of course, the very own self-produced Laurel v.s Ah Fei showdown! Haha..
Anyway, something happened yesterday made me reflect quite a bit on myself. Okay, lots of things happened, but this one in particular. I don't quite know what went wrong with me. I'm beginning to feel that sometimes my sub-concious is taking control of my concious. Which basically means, I say things that I didn't know why I did but end up saying it because the reason's already in my heart.
So, here's how it is: Yesterday, on the way to Liling's house, we met two caucasians outside Tanglin-a lady and a man. The lady appeared shock that the five of us were speaking English amongst ourselves and pointing at us, she exclaimed: "You speak English? Great! Can you tell me where Botanic Gardens is?" (or something like that) and "Good job! Thanks!" after we told her.
After she left us, guess what I did! I don't know why I was so agitated by the "You speak English?!" phrase, an outburst of "What do you mean we speak English? Of course we do! H-e-l-l-o? Singapore is a multi-racial society and the only reason why we ALL can communicate with one another is none other than the 'power' of English!" just came out. Yes yes..I said that. Bleah. Then, my guilty concious thingy pricked me. I felt really bad for saying that, especially when Aly said she thinks that lady heard us. Okay, me.
Well, thinking back right, I probably didn't really want to say that out loud, but I did because I thought it was mean of her to demean Singaporeans just because we aren't like them. And you know, the word Asians don't really form a great impression in their minds. Yea. Maybe I was being over sensitive. But all the same, I've learnt from it. Now you see, how small things can bug me like that.
As requested, personal messages eh? Haha. Cindy and your great idea.
Cindy: Maes??!! I see, you made urself a mouse too? So we can communicate eh? Haha..OK wait, I ain't a mouse! Stop it cindy! Look what you are transforming me into!! Bleah!
Kellie: Yay! Lavish your present with love! Got regular inspector's checks, okie! Haha..
_.a heart beat._ 07:50
okie. Finally decided that I was in the mood to pen something down.
Loads of things happen last few days. Really glad about them. Ahh..listening to Hady's song: "You gave me wings" (or somthing like that, yea! I love that song!) Anyways, I'd say fri's outing was incredible..with laurel(a.k.a slow/xiao long bao) and of course, alyssa. Went to watch step-up! Omg! I wanna get tha DVD when it's out!! Yep! So we went shopping for kellie's present, hope you'll love it, girl! Then talk, talk and talk..nice, I love talking, especially with
people-who-can-never-get-things-done-after-one-hour of crap..haha..Hmm..next day to Botanic Garden with my family, concidentally met Hil May. Nice walk. Okie, my bro got FIVE irritating mosquitoes on his leg after that! And can you imagine that?! I mean, I was seriously walking beside him and buzzing to him about Step-Up and I didn't even get bitten by a single one?!! Let's just say it all boils down to: Sweet blood!
Macs on sunday with amandie. Great talk with her...haha..except for the seriously stuffy air-con which made me feel like vomitting, it was nice alright.
MONDAY!! Yay! Okay, yes I got played out because my dear cousins didn't wanna go swimming with moi although they promised to yesterday. But wells, all I can say is, I should have known! Blah! Anyways, went to shop for shoes in the afternoon. OKie, I seriously DON"T like shopping!! It took my mom and I 4 hours and a walk down the whole street of orchard to get the right pair! I didn't know high heels can be so ex. I mean, saw one at 299.90.
Shakes head, put back on shelf, smile at salesgirl, walks off. Finally settled on one about one-quarter that price. Yay!!
And finally tomorrow, it's our LONG AWAITED MOVIE-MARATHON!! Yay!! Kellie and I've been talking about it since like end of last year sec three, right kellie? Can't wait for it! See ya folks!
_.a heart beat._ 23:31