SLR was nice, if only my ears weren't blocked the WHOLE time. Yep. It still is blocked. Doctor said it may be because my impending flu. Either that or I'm just audio-impaired for the time being. Oh wells. Just speak a little louder, okay? It's really not a nice feeling to be half deaf!
Been sleeping a lot these days cos of the medicine which makes me feel drowsy.
_.a heart beat._ 20:44
Whee~Christmas was fantastic! Went for family group meeting on Sunday evening and I was actually prepared to get very bored. But..thankfully, I discovered the wonders of COUNTER STRIKE! Twoot! Omg. Now I know why guys get hooked on it. Okay, mom won't like this. Really, once I got my chance to play, Bryan, Daryl, Mel ko and I were already taking turns before you can say alskdfghalhg;dafh! Of course, that was not before Timo, Jerry, Daniel and Matty had their laugh at me! Oh wells, luckily I was in a good christmasy mood then.Dinner was nice and sumptous enough, with bro practically serving me a bit of everything on the table. Then Mel and I watched X-man korean serial on youtube. Haha. I know. Dawnnnie is so not dawnnie anymore. Liling must be proud.Gift exchange was nice. Got a couple of good stuff. But it ended really early. Like the earliest in last 16 yrs cos more than half the whole family group were involved in choir the nest day. And the rest in the skit.Alright. Just realised I haven't packed my bag for slr...got to run!
_.a heart beat._ 11:56
I'm half-way with my Christmas thingy! Yay! But I hope you people will like it cos I really did put in a lot of effort. Thks Lau for keeping moi company..and yes, I'll try to get the restaurant name right, erms..tell me again?
So anyway, went shopping today. Put me into a better mood, no doubt.
Okie, so Christmas is super near. Time to do a little reflection. I think this holiday has been great! Because it's true when they say it's better to give then to receive. I've had my portion of fun, good cheer and happy memories. So I'm really satisfied. A genuine smile on everyone's face would really be the best present I can recieve this Christmas! =)) Yeps!
And of course, my long-awaited camp grp picture! Yays!
_.a heart beat._ 23:06
Nothing much today. But I am very very irritated. I just got sabo-ed into doing something stupid! Oh great!
I must not appear like I'm overly enthusiatic because I really am NOT!
I must not appear like I'm overly enthusiatic because I really am NOT!
I must not appear like I'm overly enthusiatic because I really am NOT!
I must...
Oh man. I don't like the sound of this! Arrrgh!!
_.a heart beat._ 18:46
Loads of things happened this week and I'm really happy about it. Now, where shall I start...Went to church on Tue at 11.30am to meet up for the salvation army thing. It started out really gloomy because of the rain and all that. Lunch was good. Got to know some older people who are really nice too. And I must say, if there's anyone I really admire, it'd be yaofeng. He actually came all the way from johor just for this chance to help out at the home and give the kids an eventful day and share the love of Christ... So anyway, the kids from about ages 6 to 12 were shove into our care for the next 1 and 1/2 hours. And I seriously enjoyed every minute with them! We played duck duck goose, wacko, sitting-down-captain's-ball! Erms..there's no age limit for these games right..On Wed, the dutiful daughter went shopping with mom to taka to get christmas presents! Yay! We combed almost every store there and my back ached a lot after all the walking. Then zoommedd off to church once more for carolling at Breakthrough Missions. It's actually a place where ex-convicts or once-drug-addicts have converted and put up there for the next 18 mths while learning a skill. The place also caters to their spiritual needs and they actually undergo a pretty disciplined life there. So we sang songs for them and then got to talk to them for a bit. I was a little terrified at first..like who wouldn't if you see big people with tattoos that cover up the entire arm?! But no worries, it was one enriching experience cos they shared their lives to us and it really touches me to see how God has worked in their lives. I really wanted to give them a pat on their back and say, "Good job guys! Yea. But wells, in Hokkien? Nah. Maybe next time.That's not the end. Today went movie-ing with Lau and Liling. And I've decided. If I have a rabbit, I'll call it Eragon. Seriously, it sounds sophisticated eh? Oh but remind me when I really get a rabbit. Cos it won't be anytime soon.. Anyways, so many things happened today, I'll say it all in one breadth okay? Here's how it went: *INHALES*Got-dragged-out-of-bed-at-7.55am-by-mom-to-go-for-breakfast-at-Bukit-Puma-with-cousins-took-bus-back-took-mrt-to-somerset-with-Lau-the-three-of-us-were-totally-in-a-shopping-mood-today-bought-a-couple-of-things-met-Natasha-and-Cindy!!-And-the-cute-little-girl-beside-her!-She-gave-me-a-high-five-O-K-then-we-trooped-down-to-Da-Ding-Feng-restaurent-for-high-tea-then-shop-more-crap-more-until-5.55pm! *INHALES* Whew..I think that's it for now. I wanna sing a song..can you hear my voice...??Feliz NevidaFeliz Nevida Feliz NevidaPropero Ano i feci-da...
_.a heart beat._ 22:30
Yay!!! Today, we baked bbbbbbrrroooowwnnniiieess!! Yum Yum. Actually wanted to bake them for the kids tomorrow but..sigh..I can only blame myself for chosing the the wrong-est people to bake with. Really. Such **talented people. First, Lau had parallex error, can't even measure 1/4 cup of water and 1/3 water. Never mind that..crack egg also got zero standard. Then, we took more than 1/2 hour to stir the mix. Still, I bet I saw some powder here and there..and egg shells, if not because the mix is so brown. Oh well. While we send it for heating, we got bored. So I started teaching Lau and and Aly WEI QI. Haha. That was seriously even more boring cos my counters filled almost half the whole board already and Lau's was still 'dead'. Sigh. Okay.
Our brownies turned out a brown mess, which actually tasted quite nice. But it looked ugly. Oh nevermind. In the end, we played cluedo like 5 times. Out of which I won 3 and Lau 2 and Aly, NIL! Buahaha. The Duck just Don't get it!
So wed, shopping for christmas and new handphone. And thur, movie eragon with clique and shopping at heeren for thyself. Yay!
_.a heart beat._ 23:14
It's been a long week. If you've been thinking why your dear dawnnie was mia-ing (like darling cindy), it's because I've been at youth camp 06! Yay! And I think i'm suffering from youth-camp-jetlag. No seriously. The whole camp was enough to drain me mentally and physically, not including the bruises generously inflicted by danielle. And the fact that my group had NO group leader. Guess who did all the dirty job?!! Absolutely fantastic man. Okay, at least my group members were fine. Very young, cute and small. Will post some pics when I get my hands on them. Terri, Danielle Gozali, Danielle Ang, Lidya, Joshua, Kennard, Joel and Peide. It was really nice talking to some of the younger boys because they really made me laugh during dinner. I think I ate more air than rice. S.H.E boys..haha..my favourite.
Oh..As much as Wei En's been keeping up with his reputation for being long-winded, this is the first time I almost fell asleep during the theme talk. Nevertheless, it gave me a new insight of God's word.
Right. Will update ah-don digest when my pics are delievered! Now..Zzzz-monster is just too strong.
_.a heart beat._ 20:23
Guess it's been awhile. Many things happened along the week. But there's one story, yes one story in particular, that can surmarise yesterday's outing to vivo.
Warning: The characters and the story are entirely fictitious and should they resemble anyone, dead or alive, it is entirely coincidental and based only on the author's imagination.
Now, we are ready to begin. So, like all fairy tale stories, this begins with
Once upon a time...
There was a rich taitai.

She was so e***, children would run to hide under their mother's skirts when they heard her name. Haha. Okay. She was 007. *Bond music heralds*
Now, people from all over the world feared her...because erms...because she bullies innocent children. Yes yes, that's right.

Through her devious and scheming ways, she scots free every single time. And so, attributes to her pompous nature; luring people, even challenging them to catch her. If they can. There, she strikes poses to suggest such inconceivable behavior. (Do not be decieved by her seemingly "reflective" poise nor her "sweet" manner. *Clouds and raindrops added for effect*)

But of course, sky net grey grey, lost but not missed! (Some chinese idiom I always write in my compo to suggest bad guys always get caught eventually, yep!) One day, a brave hero took up the challenge, hence, the start of a violent battle. 007 put up a strong fight. They fought for days. After days...

and days after days...

...and finally, 007 ended up like this...

She was fined, and ordered to do 100hrs of community service.

Upset as she was, a broom was shove into her hands. Thus, begin the ardous task of cleaning...

In her 99th hr of service, she was released on good behaviour. As you can see, here she is, showering a "baby" with adoring smiles, gently cooing it to sleep! A really big change, I'd say!

And so, 007 was released earlier than expected for good conduct. And as usual, ah-don digest gets fresh news for its avid readers, a correspondent was sent to investigate.
"So what are your views on being jailed?""OH! I love the feeling, love the people, love myself! OOh! Absolute-ly wonderful. I wanna thank my Boss, especially for givinme a chance..my friends, my family...""I'm sure they'll be delighted to see that you appreciate them so much. Now moving on, what are your interests? Of which you would like to pursue now that you've been granted freedom?""Oh! I wanna see my friends, my family, my...""And that's all we have today. ah-don digest, Deedee reporting, tall-tales land." (Uninteresting parts of conversation have been omitted with viewer's best interests at heart.)As they say, all things end well ends well, oh someting like that. There she goes, off the spain, I think..Bon voyage =)

Yay!!! I did it! I did it, laurel! Managed to weave all the pics into a story dedicated to Aly! Yay!
_.a heart beat._ 11:54