It started out boring. Jie si didn't come to school today. I got so restless during econs lecture. Haha. Was like shifting a lot in my seat. Cos it was just a recap on the previous lesson. Met Aly along the corridors after that. We went to the library. I scanned through her whole song list and did a mega bluetooth-ing. Haha. Yays! Got some nice ones. Then, Teck jin saw us after bio and I crashed lit lecture with the both of them. Haha. He's nice and funny. Mom says she'll always remember him for his acting-as-a-gossipy-sissy-boy-on-the-phone-with-amandie last year at camp. Haha. Super funny. Yea me too I think. He told me about filling up the survey form for men's fellowship using eug's name and wanting to join it. Haha. Omg and we were like there's a ladies ministry in church too, so we should join right, but than he said we weren't considered ladies yet... Yea like he's a man already or something. Haha. And he doesn't know dad's sorta the man behind this ministry and has those forms with him. Haha. Wait till I tell him... Oh wells. Never imagined that after attending sunday so many years of sunday school lessons being in the same class as him, we would be in the same school now. Walked out with Lau and Aly, and then James and Jeremy. James did the handshake-cum-intro thing again to Lau this time. Haha. Met Helga at the mrt. Haha. She's so nice and tall and haha nice. Went to tbp to meet mommy for my eye check up. Eeks. I don't like toric lenses. It's like way bigger than my pupil. Oh wells. Having astig on one eye is just weird. Guess I'll just have to stick with it for the time being. Yeps.
_.a heart beat._ 22:32
Yay! First day of term 2 was fun. Chapel was nice. But somehow I felt like it wasn't really chapel, it was more like a live performance by deb fung. Weiting was super funny, (like when was he ever not?) he said "Like promoting their Cd, right? Come Taiwan Cd 19.90 one copy, buy two get one free..." Haha omg. Oh Xingjie was so sweet. She gave every old sc6-er famous amos cookies just before assembly! Yummy! Ate them all up for recess. The lectures were as usual. Oh but I quite enjoy our gp one. I think we should have more of such lessons, really spurs my interest for the topic! After school, Lau, Ling, Aly, Alex and I hung out at the canteen for a while. Been such a long time since we actually got to sit down together to chat. Had another chocolate bar just to fill up the rest of the space in my tummy before we headed up to the library. Yay! Manage to do some math. Xavier came to join us. Oh oh! I can't tell you how much I love my new ringtone! So happened that I placed my handphone on the table to help like hold down some worksheets and haha, it was so peaceful and quiet till guess what, it went "Who woke snow white up? Who! Who! Who!" in the middle of all that! Yea. It was Ling. Super embarassing la! Ahh... haha. Oh after that, the rain stopped and we all went home.
Tuesday -200307
Ge's gone to taiwan this morning. And I couldn't send him. Cos he had to be at the airport by 430am?! Yea. Want him back asap. Carol passed me the invitation for crescent's 07 council investiture first thing in the morning! Yay! Went for the first and apparently also the last(for me) lecture for the day-bio. After that, Jie si accompanied me to get the pink slip from miss low before we went to the library again because the rest wanted to play cards at the canteen and I didn't really share a similar interest for them. Went through some chem. But still didn't really understand bits of it. Must ask my genius to explain to me some time. Emma, Zhuan and Sam came to join us later after they had geog. Oh then James came over (pretty arubtly but in a good way I guess) from his table to ours to introduce himself. Haha. How unconventional yet interesting at the same time. Oh then I left to meet nicole, carol, carrie and sharyl. We cabbed back to crescent for the investiture. Haha. New president's now Ying Min. Oh and the number of exco members shrank from 13 people to a small group of 8 only now. You know, while I was sitting down there watching the whole programme unfold, it subtly reminds me of all that long hours and hard work we had put in for council, and of course not forgetting all the fun we had together too! After that we all gathered in the mpr for tea reception. Haha. Omg. It was such a touchie affair. All my cute little juniors. Everyone started like hugging everyone else? Oh and my dear dearest Nahdirah! Haha. She gave me a huge shock when she saw me and started screaming! and we were like hugging most endearingly before we knew it! Haha. Love her! Swee Chen danced for me too! She's so cute. Took lots of pics. Oh then I helped to scope all that mountainous leftover bee hoon for the teachers. So fun. Olga started motivating me to scope faster, quick dawn quick quick! Haha.me and fel 
pris, kristie, me 
nahdirah! me (my emo girl, she's crying)

me and brenda
Yays! Congrats 06/07 council exco! You've made it thus far and I'm proud of you!=)
Wednesday-210307Was late to meet Lau and Jen hui this morning cos of the irksome blister near my ankle. It keeps bleeding whenever I start walking. Took some personality test this afternoon. I think it's quite fun leh. I want to do this kind of tests more often. My result shows I'm like the complete opposite from Aly and we're both quite shocked by it. Nevermind, we shall all know why on friday. Went to get my pe attire after school. Amanda and I spent hours in the ladies trying to decide between getting S or M size. After that we went home together. Later in the evening, I went out again to pass a friend a belated birthday gift. Got my make-up strawberry iceblended bubble tea on the way back. Yays!(I spilled mine on the floor last sunday, so sad right? Never got to finish it.) Met Bryan. He is one thin man. Haha.
_.a heart beat._ 21:00
Been such a long time since we actually didn't have any homework at all for march holidays? Haha... Anyway, went to shaw centre to get uniforms on tuesday. Unfortunately, there weren't any blouse that's my size left. Nevermind. Just have to get them another day. Then popped by popular to replenish my ever depleting supply of stationery. After that, mommy brought me to ps for lunch. Wanted to get my shoes but wells, as usual, there wasn't enough stock of the one I wanted. Nevermind. Mommy wanted me to try some of the food they have at tcc. So in the end, we each got a coffee(mine was topped with ice-cream! Yum!), marble cheesecake and potato wedges. And we spent our time from 1430 all the way till 1830 before finally decided to go home. Haha. I love that place. I should go there more often. Oh which reminds me. Just realised how much I actually enjoy sitting on a bus and staring outside the window, all the more so when it's raining outside. I could do that for like hours? And just let the bus go round and round forever... Haha okay...nevermind.Had choir practice last night. I don't know why but I really do prefer singing in a more relaxed environment such as this? Haha. Had a great time with the younger girls. They're always so full energy even at this hour! Makes me get in the mood too. Even though I was dead tired because I got to sleep only at 3am the night before... Haha... Then Terri and Alettia were like asking me so many questions like how much did I think a spit can affect a person? Haha omg la. How very entertaining...Just came back from my cousin's house. Got to borrow a lot of vcds. Which I'm gonna depend heavily on as my source of entertainment for the next couple of days. Yeps. Haha...I can't believe that's the reason you came close to me, I thought we were friends. Forget it.
_.a heart beat._ 10:38
u Orientation was booo-ring... I think I was over-ly sporting today right? Was actually saboh-ed to lie flat on the red track in the middle of some unfamiliar og and say 'Take me!' Haha... don't like wacko already, I'm always getting it... After that sneaked away with phuong. Saw kai kai, my dear dear childhood mate! Omg. When we saw each other, we were like hugging for so super long!! I really missed her! We used to do everything together, even being fetched by auntie pat from nanyang after school with richard too! The three of us. Oh man. I missed those times when we used to do all sorts of silly stuff together including catching insects(his fav hobby) at keppel club! Haha. Everything except doing homework together. We could never do any work in one another's company! And that happened to displease auntie pat the most too..haha. But things just had to change. And now there's only rich and me during chinese new years and christmases... Oh nevermind nevermind, now she's back ,we'll be together again! Yays!
Anyways, saw tricia too. Great chat with her. She kept moi company till I left at 1330 for crescent! Haha. Went to find Ms Seow!! OMG that darling teacher is seriously the nicest teacher alive?! She was so funny and crappy the whole day with yining and moi! Spent the entire afternoon in her office. Guess what? We've made a pact already, she wants both of us to be her bridemaids when she get married, like how cool is that?! Yays! Oh but her bf's overseas. Bleah. Nevermind, I can wait. Haha.
_.a heart beat._ 21:16
Parting and leaving,When will this ever end?I don't know if it will be the last day,But we'll always be true best friends...We sat at the bleechers for 120minutes talking like we never want everything to end. Not that the three of us will be any further from each other because we'll be going (hopefully, Yays!) to the same school! Or separated by a bridge at the very most. Came back from mini class outing today. Heard my name being called across the traffic junction on my way home. Guess who? Wanita and Nurul, my two cute as ever junior councillors, making their way to the mrt station!! Haha. Super glad to see them! Guess the new school rules hasn't been enforced yet? Saw that they were still in pe shorts. Yea, which reminds me, I actually demostrated the no-more-than-four-buttons-worth-of-blouse-tucked-out rule to some of my classmates today and everybody totally laughed la! I mean like even they can tell how absolutely idiotic it looks, why can't those disciplinary heads at cres do the same?! Haha...Anyway, to the following dears, I just wanna say a big THANKS! for being such awesome pals! =PAlyssa- for offering to walk with me today! It's such a sweet gesture although we didn't manage to, really appreciated the thought =))Wei Xin- for my cute and mini turtle!! It's hanging above my table =)Leng Seng- for all the car lifts and ur mini farewell present! Truly one of the nicest and sweetest person I've ever known! =)Yeps.
_.a heart beat._ 23:16
Yays! Went shopping on fri with the usual. Almost couldn't make it though cos it was pouring so super heavily after school. But thankfully, Leng Seng's mom gave moi a lift. Haha...so sweet right? Saved me from becoming drenched. Hmms. For a while. Haha cos in the end, we still got so freaking wet at town. So met the girls up and walked a lot. Managed to get some trash but still didn't get what I really wanted. Sigh. Think its becos of the super damp socks and my dry eyes and wretch headache all put together, even the fried-noodles-in-omelette thingy I had for dinner at this korean stall failed to brighten my day. Bleah. Nevermind. Tomorrow, tomorrow will be a better day... hahaTrue possession...
_.a heart beat._ 21:05
The Misc
*Please note that everything in my blog is originally thought of and modified by Dawn Lee.*
Dialogue between Tarzan and Kim Possible:
(Kim) Seen the baddie pass by here? The one who's green, black and blue all over?
(Tarzan) Are you the Jane the director sent? Well, I'd thought she'd be much better looking, with a skirt and stuff, yeah...But nevermind, we'll make do.
(Director) CUT!! Tarzan, scratched that armpit! For goodness sake, LOOK PRIMITIVE!!
[points a finger at Tarzan] You sppea-k Engg-lish before Jane came? So you were pretending all the time eh...that's style dude.