Yea i know it's still kinda early, but i decided if i don't get started now, i might never finish in time.
So...Christmas is soooo near! Merry Christmas to you all! It's the nicest time of the year. U know in the past, i must admit that every time this special festive season draws near, i would involuntarily try to get myself into the 'christmas-y' mood. It's 'christmas-y' because it's just the way most of everyone does; shopping, feasting, making merry. But ABOUT WHAT? Christmas cards, Shopping bags, Present wrappers are all filled with phrases like ''Festive of Joy'', ''of Giving'', of blah blah. When i ask friends, do they celebrate, some say, ''yea...even non-christians do anyway wad...''. Well, do they? About what? Celebrate what? More appropriately put would be HOW they celebrate's partying time away, gatherings with friends and relatives, etc. And so? My point is, it's sorta become an excuse to have some fun. Period.
Well, i guess after spending all my life celebrating Christmas every year, you kinda wanna lay back and think, what's all the fuss about? I mean, i used to think, oh it's the time when everyone just gets nicer, cos we get gifts from them and all. But that's not exactly true. In fact, some just get meaner; like snatching the best bargains off those shelves during mega sales, choosing only the best part of the turkey for yourself before others grab it away, all the older people just leaving you on ur own to talk to people their own age, etc. Ch...yea, so i was disappointed. Easily. Probably the presents just make up for part of it. Still...okok..am i sounding like a potential grinch? Haha. I'm not here to spoil the occasion okayy. Instead, i guess it gets to some point when u sit back and think, what's all the big fuss about something we don't quite derive any joy from?
It's been 17 yrs man..okie not as long as say...my parents? Sometimes i really wonder what kept them going on to celebrate, and celebrate, and celebrate this over and over again, year after year? I mean, how come they never seem to tire out of it? If you aren't already sick of this 'mundane' proceedure, i sure am. Especially since all those presents come out from their pockets every time. Come to think of it, it sure can be a hassle.
Ok so here it is. I think and truly got it figured out, that the real reason we live out the whole year just for this occasion called Christmas, is because it's all about Jesus! Really. He takes the centre of everything. And we simply rejoyce because we are celebrating His birth together! Without whom, we could never have enjoyed this personal relationship with God. Yes. That's the true meaning of celebrating. We are reminded of what He has come down for. And especially HOW he came.
Uninvited, King Herod with his already much-sharpened knife, was all ready to get on His back upon His birth.
Unimportant, there was no room for Him at the inns. And had to settle for the barn; where the animals lay and were fed.
Unwelcomed, people mocked Him at the cross. Yet...
He came...He died...He rose again on high...He opens the wayfor the world to live again...Hallelujah,For all u've done.- hillsongs united: for all you've doneMost importantly, the reason why we choose to be Christians, or declare ourselves one, is not because we are any better than anyone else in any way at all. In fact honestly, we all have our fair share of lying, gossiping, having ill intentions, coveting, hating, mocking, spite-ing, anger, jealousy, faking, envying etc.
And it is precisely because we proclaim our need for redemption from all these that we do gather so to be called His disciples, and earnestly seek Him. Yep. :)
That just about sums up my reflections for this season. I'm not trying to explain anything, or convince anyone of anything, i just want to summarise that: TRUE JOY or the pursuit of happiness, especially for this season, is not derived from having fun during the occasion, nor from the exchange of gifts, nor from soaking in the atmosphere downtown at orchard with all the pretty lights and huge crowds, nor partying with friends at some mega event, nor making urself feel more needed by the society; doing volunteering etc...though yea, i guess they do bring some kind of satisfaction. I mean, i've done all of the above at least once, if not more. 17yrs, one year for each, just gives you plenty of time. So true joy, can only be derived from Him, who has already given us more than sufficient reason to.
Anyway yea, i had so much fun this hols, i don't know if i'll ever get enough of it. Haha. I loveeeed meeting everyone up. Especially the night at orchard and fantastic desert! So it's Christmas countdown with my family, yays, and our same old family friends for the last 17 years of my life again, oh and some invited friends i guess. I wonder who. Ah well, maybe some good blockbuster movie events, carolling, usual feast of food etc. Yep.
Wow. It's one long post. Guess when i don't write something for some time, and suddenly take to the keyboard, lots of things just spill out before you can go like, 'whew!' Haha okk.
So here's a Blessed Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you! Wow. Just thinking of next year, I'm sure gonna miss being a J1 at ac. :P
_.a heart beat._ 23:00
I think i need a change of mindset. Yes. That's what i need.
_.a heart beat._ 00:44
Haha i saw this on facebook and did it for fun... it's sooo funny...
What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For? |
 | You would fall for the gentleman. Keep an eye out for your love at your next formal or field trip to the opera. Watch out for bad boys who walk on the inside of the curb and don't hold the door for you, and you'll end up with the guy who's suave, sophisticated, and classy through-and-through. |
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com |
Wow. Back from guitar camp and a short trip to Malaysia. I'm finally gonna settle down at home from tomorrow. But i totally loooove my holidays. Like enjoying it to the max.! Haha.. Every other day's been filled with awesome activities and great fun. Seriously, i've never even been at home since the EOY hols started for more than 6 days altogether u know! And like it's coming to an end way tooo soon! Haha...
Alrighty, better get started on some serious work sooon..:)
_.a heart beat._ 23:04